Thursday, 10 December 2015 07:49


Place.- Pinada Golf ll, Villa Martin.Date and Time:- 4.12.15 between 4 a.m. and 5 am-Occurrence:- Thieves forced open windows and with a hooked instrument removed items on view inside. In one of the houses attacked the thieves removed a handbag and used the house key they found inside to gain entry. On leaving they locked the door behind them preventing the occupants from following. In one case a 7' wall was scaled to gain access to the window.Stolen: Property was stolen included valuables and bananas.Advice:- The following crime prevention advice received from Ray Ward, co-ordinator for Pinado 11 and Area Leader for O.C. 3 is passed on for the knowledge of all:-1) It has been noted that builders are working in the area and this should be kept in mind although it cannot be said that they were involved.2) Ensure windows are securely locked and not just closed. Take small valuable like handbags and ipads to the bedroom at night or at least keep them out of view and reach of fishermen. Handbags are a great haul because they often contain money, door and car keys and they have handles which are just what fishermen need for hooking.3) If you have an alarm you can probably use a night setting so you can move around in part of the house and keep the remainder alarmed. You can certainly do this with MAS alarms. If anyone is interested in a much more elaborate alarm system then please mail me for details. And I'm not on a commission! Or look on their website at Tyco.es4) Please remember that after a burglary where goods were stolen, the thieves often return for a second time knowing that the goods they stole will have been replaced.5) Remove hire car stickers from cars.6) Try when you leave home e.g to go for a meal driving round the block and past your home in case thieves have just watched you leave. KEEP SECURE AND KEEP YOUR PROPERTY SAFE Best wishes,Chris
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