Monday, 09 December 2013 00:00

Information Regarding The Padron

THE MUNICIPAL PADRON.Every town in Spain is obliged to maintain a municipal census, known as the 'padron'. All those persons who habitually and legally resident in any town in Spain have an obligation under law, to register. It should be noted that the 'padron' is a census of RESIDENTS – not of 'homeowners'. Apart from the legal obligation, it is essential that a person be registered on the municipal census in order to access certain municipal services, including certain social services.The 'padron' also forms the basis of an electoral register and, if it is your intention to vote in either European or municipal elections, you should ensure that, at the time of 'empadronamiento', you solicit your inclusion on the electoral role.HOW TO REGISTER ON THE 'PADRON (E.U. CITIZENS):-If you are a home owner:-- Escritura (title deed of your residence).- A utility bill or SUMA receipt which includes your name and address.- Your identity document (ID card or current Passport)- Your resident's certificate (issued by the Policia Nacional). (You may provisionally register on the padron without producing a resident's certificate but you will be required to produce this document within a period of three months. If you fail to do so, your name will be removed from the padron).If you rent your property:-- Rental contract.- Your identity document (ID card or current Passport)- Your resident's certificate issued by the Policia Nacional. (See above).Once registered on the 'padron', your name will remain there until such times as you tell the authorities that you wish to be removed. If you move to another town in Spain, you should register on their 'padron'. The 'padron' office there will ensure that all of your relevant information is transferred. Should you need to produce a 'padron certificate' (or 'volante'), for administration purposes, this certificate should not be more than three months old.NON E.U. CITIZENS:-- May register on the 'padron' by producing a current passport and / or resident's certificate as well as a rental contract or escritura. Non E.U. passport holders without a resident's certificate must re-register every two years.YOUR RIGHT TO VOTE:-A citizen of the European Union, resident in Spain, is entitled to vote in both municipal elections as well as European elections. One should seriously consider making full use of this right to vote as political decisions can affect all of us. You must inform the padron office of your intention to participate in the elections. This can be done by informing the office at the time of 'empadronamiento' or by calling in at any time to ensure that your name is on the list. Only those residents who hold a resident's certificate will be included on the electoral role.Elections to the EUROPEAN parliament will be held during the month of May 2014. Well before voting day, all Torrevieja residents who are registered on the municipal padron but who have not registered their intention to vote, should receive a letter inviting them to solicit their vote. This application for inclusion in the voter's register will apply to both EU and municipal elections. A few weeks before any election, the electoral role will be placed on public view and any errors can be notified then.End of the registration 31st January 2014BE SURE TO SOLICIT YOUR RIGHT TO VOTE!!
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