Wednesday, 01 July 2020 11:08

2020-06-23 Communal Swimming Pool Opening Update

COMMUNITY POOLS (end of state of alarm) On June 20, 2020, it was published in the OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE VALENCIAN GENERALITAT (Number 8841), the CONSELL AGREEMENT of June 19, on prevention measures against COVID-19, (2020/4770). This agreement mentioned, among others, the following: 2. HYGIENE MEASURES.   2.1. HYGIENE MEASURES COMMON TO ALL ACTIVITIES. A) Regarding cleaning and disinfection, Special attention will need to be given to areas of common use and the most frequent contact such as doorknobs, tables, furniture, railings, floors, phones, hangers and other items of similar characteristics, in accordance with the following guidelines: B) The facilities must be ventilated regularly and at least daily for the time necessary to allow the air to be renewed. 2.6. ADDITIONAL HYGIENE AND PREVENTION MEASURES IN POOLS FOR COLLECTIVE USE. The additional hygiene and prevention measures in swimming pools for communal use are the following: -Cleaning and disinfection of the facilities must be carried out with special attention to enclosed spaces such as dressing rooms or bathrooms before opening each day. -All equipment and materials must be cleaned and disinfected, such as glasses, fences, first aid kit, lockers, as well as any other equipment in contact with the people using the facilities. The measures relating to swimming pools, including their use, are as listed below: 3.14 MEASURES RELATING TO SWIMMING POOLS FOR RECREATIONAL PURPOSES   3.14.1. USE OF SWIMMING POOLS FOR RECREATIONAL PURPOSES. 1.        The use of swimming pools for recreational purposes open to the public shall be carried out in accordance with the health and safety measures provided in this agreement. 2.        The maximum capacity allowed will be seventy-five percent of the installation's capacity, provided that the safety distance of 1.5 meters between the users can be respected. Otherwise, this capacity shall be reduced in order to respect social distancing. 3. If necessary, to guarantee that the social distancing, an appointment must be made in advance with the facility's manager in order to access the pool. Being able to control the capacity, this service will not be necessary. 4.        The appliance of the hygienic and sanitary measures provided for this agreement is understood without any damage to the physical and chemical water treatment necessary to obtain an appropriate quality of the water in the pools in accordance with annexes I and II of Royal Decree 742/2013, of 27 September, which establishes the technical-sanitary criteria of the pools, with the carrying out of the appropriate controls, as well as the fulfillment of the rest of the applicable regulations. 5.        The showers and changing rooms may be used up to a maximum of seventy-five percent of the capacity of the changing rooms, while guaranteeing a minimum safety distance of 1.5 meters between people who use them. 6. Water fountains are not to be used. 7.        All users need to be informed, using visible signs or megaphone messages, of all the hygiene and prevention rules to be maintained and respected, reminding them of their obligations and responsibilities. Remembering the obligation to leave the facility in case of any symptoms that are compatible with the COVID-19. Community pools in buildings and urbanizations will be restricted to the capacity of swimming pools for recreational purposes. Having said all the above, the community must value whether it has the economic and personal capacity to carry out all the above or, on the other hand, hire a company specialized in such services (several proposals), in which the most economical price is 10.90 Euros per hour, VAT included, which ascends to approximately 5,410 Euros for the two months for July and August in a time schedule of 8 hours per day). For any further detail, Please feel free contact us. Kind regards. The Administration. Penta Administraciones, S.L, Teléfono: 965 351 205 /Fax: 96 535 11 74
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